As you embark on the incredible pregnancy journey, there are several important milestones to look forward to. One such milestone is the 20-week ultrasound scan, also known as the 20-Week Anatomy Scan. 

This scan is a crucial prenatal screening procedure that provides an in-depth assessment of your baby's development. This scan is typically performed between the 18th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy, offering a comprehensive view of your baby's anatomy and overall health.

Numerous healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and specialized ultrasound centers, offer the 20-Week Ultrasound Scan in Illinois. These centers have skilled professionals who use advanced ultrasound technology to conduct the scan, ensuring accurate and detailed results.

This article will explore the significance of the 20-Week ultrasound, why you should schedule it, and where you can find exceptional ultrasound services in Illinois.

What to Expect During the 20-Week Anatomy Scan

The 20-week ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure usually performed on the mother's abdomen. Here's what you can expect during the scan:

  • Detailed Examination of Fetal Anatomy: The primary purpose of the 20-week ultrasound is to examine your baby's anatomy in detail. The ultrasound technician will carefully assess the development of your baby's brain, heart, spine, limbs, kidneys, bladder, and other vital organs. This comprehensive evaluation allows for the detection of any potential abnormalities or concerns that may require further medical attention.

  • Measurement of Fetal Growth: The 20-week ultrasound scan also provides crucial information about your baby's growth. Measurements of your baby's head circumference, femur length, and abdominal circumference help determine whether they grow at a healthy rate. These measurements provide valuable insights into your baby's overall development and can help identify any growth-related issues.

  • Gender Determination: For parents curious to know their baby's gender, the 20 or 19-week ultrasound scan often presents an opportunity for gender determination. However, it's important to note that not all healthcare providers offer this service, and it is entirely optional. Make sure to inquire beforehand if you want to know your baby's gender during the scan.

  • Emotional Connection with Your Baby: This scan offers an incredible opportunity for parents to establish an emotional connection with their unborn baby. Seeing your baby's features, heartbeat, and movements on the ultrasound screen can be an awe-inspiring experience. It can enhance the bonding process and provide reassurance about your baby's well-being.

Why You Need to Schedule the 20-Week Ultrasound Scan in Illinois

  • Assessing Baby's Growth: This Scan plays a vital role in assessing your baby's growth and development. By carefully examining various aspects of your baby's anatomy, including the brain, spine, heart, limbs, and organs, healthcare professionals can ensure that your baby is growing as expected.

  • Early Detection of Abnormalities: This scan allows healthcare professionals to detect potential congenital anomalies early on. Conditions such as heart defects, cleft lip, and neural tube defects can be identified during the 20-Week ultrasound, enabling timely interventions and appropriate management plans.

  • Evaluation of Placenta and Uterus: This ultrasound provides an opportunity to assess the position and health of the placenta. This information is crucial for planning the delivery process and ensuring safe and smooth childbirth. Additionally, the scan helps evaluate the position of the uterus, providing valuable insights into your and your baby's overall well-being.

  • Monitoring Amniotic Fluid Levels: The scan allows healthcare providers to evaluate the amniotic fluid levels surrounding your baby. Adequate amniotic fluid is essential for your baby's growth and development. Abnormal levels may indicate certain complications that require attention and management.

  • Gender Determination: While the primary purpose of the 20 or 19-Week Ultrasound Scan is not gender determination, many parents eagerly await this scan to find out the gender of their baby. If you wish to know, the sonographer may be able to reveal the gender during the scan, adding excitement and anticipation to your pregnancy journey.

  • Opportunity for Early Intervention: Should the 20-week ultrasound reveal potential concerns, it allows early intervention. Timely identification of certain conditions allows for proactive planning, coordination with specialized healthcare professionals, and exploring available treatment options. Early intervention can significantly improve outcomes and ensure your baby's best care.


The 20-Week Anatomy Scan is an essential part of prenatal care that offers valuable insights into your baby's development. By scheduling this scan, you can monitor your baby's growth, detect potential abnormalities early, and ensure your and your baby's well-being. 

When seeking a 20-Week Ultrasound Scan in Illinois, consider Tummy Vision. With their experienced team and commitment to excellence, Tummy Vision provides exceptional 20-Week ultrasound, creating a comforting and reassuring environment for you and your partner. Trust Tummy Vision for an outstanding ultrasound experience.

Remember, each pregnancy is unique, and your healthcare provider will guide you through the process, providing the necessary care and support along the way.